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    Tuesday 23 June 2009

    Political posters

    I really can't understand why some people get so wound up about political posters.

    Posters are only errected for one month every five years and are a great way for candidates, particularly new candidates, to get their faces known by the electorate and to identify themselves and their politics.

    Political postering is ancient and goes right back to the early democracies of Greece and Rome and despite the Internet, media and communications revolution it is always going to be with us because it is cheap, simple and above all effective!

    Maybe you don't like looking at my mug on the side of the road but that's my right as a candidate to erect posters and promote myself and my policies, if you don't like them don't look at them; but in a constituency as big a Louth where only 17% of homes have access to broadband, posters are still the most effective way of gaining recognition with the thousands of voters who live maybe 40 to 50 miles away from where I live.

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