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    Sunday 5 September 2010

    Eircom adopting "bully boy" billing says Cllr

    Labour's Cllr Keith Martin has written to the Communications Regulator to ask the regulator to take action following the latest plans by Eircom to hit those struggling to pay their bills.

    According to Cllr Martin "The news that Eircom is to insist that their cash-strapped customers must pay a minimum of €20 towards their bill at a time is yet another blow to those on lower incomes.  It has been good budgeting practice for those who struggle with their phone bills to pay off a small amount in regular instalments to avoid having to deal with one large bill at the end of the month. Many customers on low incomes have been paying of €5 or €10 each week to help manage their budgets. Eircom is now insisting on a minimum of €20 at a time, or the full amount if it comes to less than €20.

    It is unrealistic and unfair of Eircom to set such terms especially during this recession.  People are under enough pressure to keep the lights on and food on the table without Eircom adopting 'bully boy' demands on people who are already doing their best to pay the bills.  Telephones are vital social links especially for the elderly and those living in remote rural areas.  It is time the regulator flexed their muscles and clamped down on this kind of unreasonable, anti-social behaviour by a major company.

    Eircom's proposals have been criticised by Age Action Ireland and the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS).

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