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    Friday 17 April 2009

    Election Promise

    In the LAST FIVE YEARS I have worked hard to achieve my goals as a local councilor.

    Since my election in 2004 I have ensured the replanting of the Northwoods, ensured new pavements for the Quay Hill and the Pond, I have worked to slow traffic to make our roads and streets safe for pedestrians and I have established a budget for promoting Westport as a venue for film-making which has been a huge success.

    I have worked hard with my committees to establish a Food and Craft market on the Mall and to make Westport one of Ireland's first Fairtrade towns.

    I have fully supported the provision of Affordable and Social housing at Tubberhill and the re-development of the former fire station to social housing and housing for returned emigrants who have come home to Westport. 

    As a member of the Multi Agency Jobs Creation Taskforce I  work hard to promote our town to employers and to lobby for investment and job creation.

    I continue to campaign for a upgraded N5, an Early Bird Train service and a Fibre-Optic broadband link for the area.

    Now it is time for the next step and I need your No. 1 vote.

    Vote MARTIN 1 for MAYO

    I have many plans and policies but I am making only one promise to you.  No-one will work harder for you than I will.





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