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    Wednesday 8 April 2009

    Lenihan is the Grinch who stole Christmas

    Labour's Cllr Keith Martin as described Brian Lenihan as the Grinch who stole Christmas following his withdrawal of the Christmas payment.  According to the Labour councillor "Its terrible that all those individuals and families who counted on the bonus to help them provide a celebration for their family for Christmas will now be left short.  Lenihan has literally cancelled Christmas for so many families.  He is like the Grinch stealing Christmas from young boys and girls all over Ireland."
    Cllr Martin says Minister Lenihan "is placing the burden of the Government's mistakes on the backs of the unemployed and their families all over the country.  To add more pressure to those people who have lost their jobs in this recession is unforgivable.  He has effectively cancelled Christmas for half a million families.

    "This cold move will provide a fillip for unscrupulous money-lenders who will take advantage of the pressures of Christmas while charities will be inundated with requests for help from families in the light of this withdrawal of the bonus. In the midst of the wider discussion of the budget, I hope this development is remembered."

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